jQuery模糊效果- blur.js
最近想要作以前flash的遮罩效果,在flash做很簡單,不過要在js內製作就不是那麼簡單就可以解決了,先找到這個外掛,不過跟我要的還是有落差,但用過也記錄一下,這是可以用jquery製作圖片模糊效果,加上可以使用jQuery UI的draggable來拖曳模糊範圍,也可以用來製作一些特效。
- $('.target').blurjs({
- source: 'body', //Background to blur
- radius: 5, //Blur Radius
- overlay: '', //Overlay Color, follow CSS3's rgba() syntax
- offset: { //Pixel offset of background-position
- x: 0, y: 0 },
- optClass: '', //Class to add to all affected elements
- cache: false, //If set to true, blurred image will be cached and used in the future. If image is in cache already, it will be used.
- cacheKeyPrefix: 'blurjs-', //Prefix to the keyname in the localStorage object
- draggable: false //Only used if jQuery UI is present. Will change background-position to fixed
- });
blur.js Demo